Locational Astrology Map: Where to Live for Career

Building a successful career is a very real and tangible long term goal for most people, and many times there are very clear planetary influences that can either help or hinder that goal, which can be seen on the map. Here are a few astrology map line examples that would show locations that you might want to explore in order to help propel success in career. I also outline some lines that you should avoid:

Your Midheaven (MC) Line for Career

The Astrology House most associated with career is the 10th House, so if you look at your astrology map and see where the Midheaven lines are then you will know which locations you could potentially move to that will have some 10th House planetary influence. 

Having any sort of planetary influence in the 10th House is usually positive for career, if nothing else it will generate more energy and focus in this area of life. But to gain the most benefit from a 10th House placement depends on which planet it is, and how strong the planet is in your natal chart.

Moving East or West of Your Midheaven (MC) Line

It is important to note that in order to place a planet in your 10th house, geographically, you must be West of that planet's MC Line on the map. If you are to go East of a planet's MC Line then it places that planet in your 9th House. The 9th House is a very fine placement for almost any planet, but it is a much different vibe than the 10th.

Jupiter Midheaven MC Line Example

The 9th House is more about higher philosophy, higher teachings, higher education, and greater purpose. In certain instances this can be very fortunate for career, especially if your career pursuits are in alignment with a higher purpose. Having strong 9th House placements adds an element of luck, happiness, and protection to almost anything you do. But in other ways it can make you question your career if you feel it is not satisfying your soul.

The 10th House is more down and dirty. This is where you roll up your sleeves and do the necessary work it takes to get the job done. If you have strong planetary influences in the 10th House it will put you more in the spotlight, and it can help propel you up the corporate ladder so to speak.

Best 10th House Planet Placements for Career

If you find the Midheaven Line for any of the following planets on your locational astrology map and you go West of that line you will essentially be placing that planet in your 10th House by being in that location, and all else being equal, you could expect to experience some of the following results:

☉ Sun

The Sun in this position will make you more authoritative and confident overall. You will be more noticed here, and likely more respected. You also more easily be able to handle the duty and pressure that comes with added responsibility. This is especially good if you are in a management type role.

♄ Saturn

This is good because Saturn likes to work on things, this will give you the stamina to follow through on the harder stuff to achieve career success. If you are a crafts person then this energy will really help you refine your craft over time. One drawback is that Saturn can be slow, so you probably won't see overnight career success, but Saturn is stable so you can expect career stability here.

☿ Mercury

Mercury is all about communication, interaction, and transaction. These can be very positive attributes for building most careers, especially if you are in sales, or any other profession where communication is important.

♃ Jupiter

Jupiter is fortunate and expansive by nature, so a 10th House Jupiter can help grow your career in many ways. One of the drawbacks is that the upright and inspired nature of Jupiter doesn't always jive with the hard work of the 10th House. This is a more beneficial placement for occupations in certain industries related to law, education, or counseling.

♂ Mars

Mars can be very physical, energetic, and tactical, and when Mars is strong it can be very self disciplined. A strong 10th House Mars placement can help your career in many ways because it will give you the strength and the stamina to get the job done, especially in fields where strength is a virtue, like construction, athletics, or military service.

♅ Uranus

You will be more likely to be seen as cool and popular in the workplace here. The work you do will be more interesting, and you will probably have more fun doing it. This is especially true if you are working in some sort of "groundbreaking" industry, as Uranus energy thrives in areas that are new and cutting edge.

Word of Warning: Depending on how these planets are placed in your natal chart will greatly determine how these energies will manifest for you. The stronger the planet is by sign placement and aspects the more beneficial the energy is that will manifest. If you place a weak planet here then the results might be more troubling. For instance, if your Sun is in a difficult sign with difficult aspects then you might be battling a lot of ego in the workplace instead.

That is why it is a good idea to test these locations out before committing to a move. Or consult an astrologer to help you determine the strength of your planets, as well as all the other planetary energy you might experience in any given location.

Local Space Lines for Career

Another strategy is to see if you have any strong 10th House placements in your natal chart, and if so, you can follow the direction of that planet's Local Space Line on the map to strengthen its output. If you have a strong 10th House placement, or a strong 10th House Lord, then you are probably already used to experiencing positive career situations already, but you can enhance it even more by following that planet's Local Space Line.

If you are really interested in finding a place to live for career growth this is an excellent strategy because it means you are emphasizing and focusing on that area of life to a higher degree.

Astrology Map Lines Example - Local Space Lines

Paran Lines for Career

Another strategy is to find certain Paran Lines that would be conducive to career success and move as close as you can to one of those. Parans are the horizontal lines that run along certain latitudes around the globe, made up by two planetary energies that have come together. You would need to be 70 miles North or South of one of these lines to feel the energy, and the closer you are the stronger the influence would be felt.

Here are a few Paran Line examples, showing how they could be good for career, or detrimental toward career:

Mercury-Jupiter Paran (Good)

Astrology Planet Symbol Mercury
Astrology Planet Symbol Jupiter

Find a location as close as you can to the latitude of this paran and you can expect more ease, success, and expansion in business and career. Your communication ability will be enhanced, you will be well liked, and you will think and act more professionally. All around a positive influence for a great many things, including career.

Saturn-Pluto Paran (Avoid)

Astrology Planet Symbol Saturn
Astrology Planet Symbol Pluto

This is not a combination that is conducive to any sort of financial success. Here, you will be working extra hard for little reward. Any sort of progress you make will be slow, and you will be at a higher risk of incurring extra costs in general. Things are harder, slower, and heavier here, not exactly a situation that is in alignment with career growth and success.

How Jupiter and Uranus Can Help Your Career (Good)

Astrology Planet Symbol Jupiter
Astrology Planet Symbol Uranus

Jupiter can be a big expansive supportive influence in many areas of life, and career is no different. If you find a place to live where Jupiter has a positive influence, then it will likely help in your career growth and monetary returns.

Uranus has a tendency to make things more exciting and cutting edge, usually in a positive way. By harnessing this creative Uranus energy, as it manifests in various combinations throughout your astrology map, it can help give rise your popularity and success in your career related endeavors.

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Astrology Map Lines

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