Astrology House Meanings

My interpretation of the astrology house meanings is emphasized from a traditional Vedic Astrology point of view. While most of the descriptions will universally match all house systems from any branch of astrology, the planetary compatibilities are only given for the nine traditional planets, and not the outer planets or asteroids. The nine planets in traditional Vedic Astrology are:

Luminaries (Two):

  • ☉ Sun & ☽ Moon

Elemental Planets (Five):

  • ☿ Mercury, ♀ Venus, ♂ Mars, ♃ Jupiter, & ♄ Saturn

Shadow Planets (Two):

  • ☊ North Node (Rāhu) & ☋ South Node (Ketu)

This is because the house meanings, as presented below, are primarily meant to be taken into consideration in this way when analyzing a birth chart for planetary strength. House cusp interpretations for relocation astrology will be discussed in more detail throughout this site for all of the planetary bodies.

Planetary Strength by House Placement

To better understand the different astrology house meanings and significations it is useful to know how the various planets are either strengthened or weakened simply by being in certain houses that are either compatible or incompatible with their innate planetary influences. Here they are outlined briefly, along with their Sanskrit names.

House Significator (Bhāva Kāraka)

Planets are at home in this position. They are comfortable producing their results here because the natural significations of the planet closely match the significations of the House.

Directional Strength (Digbala)

Planets have a stronger ability to produce their results in this position, because the strength of the angle matches the natural power of the planet. (Directional Strength can only be on one of the four angles, 1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th House)

Weakened Position (Maraṇa Kāraka Sthāna)

Planets here have a difficult time producing their desired results because the natural significations of the planet do not align at all with the significations of the House.

The Twelve Astrology House Meanings

So without further ado, here are the Twelve Astrology House Meanings, their significations, and their traditional planetary compatibilities.

1st House

Signifies: Self & Identity

This is a STRONG placement for most planets. The 1st House is an angular house, generally giving planets more strength to achieve their results. It is a harmonious placement because it is conjunct the Ascendant. The Sun is at home here because the focus of the 1st House is on Self, and the Sun reflects individuality, confidence, and self-expression. Jupiter and Mercury have directional strength here, as they are outward, productive, and positive, allowing their best attributes to reflect into the world. Saturn is weakened here, as it does not like the attention and individuality of the 1st House, and tends to reflect pessimism, difficulty, and negativity in this position.

House Significator

Directional Strength

Weakened Position

☉ Sun

♃ Jupiter

♄ Saturn

☿ Mercury

Wheel Chart - Whole Sign Houses

Astrology Wheel Chart Example 1st Whole Sign House

Vedic Chart - North Indian Style

Vedic Astrology Chart Example 1st House

2nd House

Signifies: Sustenance & Support

This is a DECENT placement for most planets. The 2nd House is the house of sustenance and is often connected with money, savings, and material goods. This is typically a decent placement for most planets because of the potential material and family support they can provide. If a planet is weak, however, it can create situations where the person has trouble receiving, or is forced to learn tough lessons in the realm of self-sufficiency. Jupiter is at home here because it is the planet of wealth, fortune, and expansion, which matches well with the potential for material abundance of the 2nd House. Ketu is weakened here because it is the planet of loss, letting go, and surrender, creating a situation where it is difficult to manifest, or hold on to, material abundance.

House Significator

Directional Strength

Weakened Position

♃ Jupiter


☋ Ketu (South Node)

Wheel Chart - Whole Sign Houses

Astrology Wheel Chart 2nd Whole Sign House

Vedic Chart - North Indian Style

Vedic Astrology Chart Example 2nd House

3rd House

Signifies: Courage & Ego Desire

This is a NEUTRAL placement for most planets. The 3rd House is the house of ego and desire, often showing how much tenacity one has when exerting their will in the world. It is a neutral placement where malefic planets tend to fare better than benefic planets. This is because the 3rd House can be a rough and tumble placement where tough planets can help you achieve your aims by taking the necessary initiative. That is why Mars is the House Signifcator, it is a planet that is comfortable exerting force to achieve its aims. Benefics tend to be too nice for this placement. Jupiter is weakened here because it is the nicest most upstanding planet of all, which can create a situation where the person is taken advantage of for their kindness. The 3rd House can also be immature and driven by base pleasure, which are also incompatible with the proper and righteous tendencies of Jupiter.

House Significator

Directional Strength

Weakened Position

♂ Mars


♃ Jupiter

Wheel Chart - Whole Sign Houses

Astrology Wheel Chart 3rd Whole Sign House

Vedic Chart - North Indian Style

Vedic Astrology Chart Example 3rd House

4th House

Signifies: Home & Heart

This is a STRONG placement for most planets. The 4th House is where we go within and process emotions, a placement where we try to find internal happiness. It is a strong placement because it as at an angle and a lot of strength can be directed in this area, even though it is not as outward as the other angle placements. The Moon is the House Significator for the 4th House because they both have many of the same significations such as home, mother, feelings, emotions, etc. The Moon also has directional strength in the 4th House because the internal nature of the 4th House and the strength of the angle helps give the Moon the most strength and balance to achieve its higher aims. Venus has directional strength here as well because Venus represents joy and happiness, allowing these qualities to reflect through the heart and home. Mercury is weakened here because it is an outward and social planetary energy, which isn't very compatible with the calm, quiet internal nature of the 4th House.

House Significator

Directional Strength

Weakened Position

☽ Moon

☽ Moon

☿ Mercury

♀ Venus

Wheel Chart - Whole Sign Houses

Astrology Wheel Chart 4th Whole Sign House

Vedic Chart - North Indian Style

Vedic Astrology Chart Example 4th House

5th House

Signifies: Inspiration & Creative Intelligence

This is a BLESSED placement for most planets. The 5th House is where inspiration and creativity are allowed to shine. It is a fortunate placement for all of planets because it helps to allow the highest potential of their manifestations to come forth. Jupiter is the House Signficator of the 5th House because Jupiter is inspired, bountiful, expansive, fortunate, and harmonious. When these significations are unobstructed a lot of creative joy and inspired purpose are allowed to flourish. The 5th House is also the house of children, and a strong Jupiter in this position wants to have a lot of children. No planets are weakened by being in this position.

House Significator

Directional Strength

Weakened Position

♃ Jupiter



Wheel Chart - Whole Sign Houses

Astrology Wheel Chart 5th Whole Sign House

Vedic Chart - North Indian Style

Vedic Astrology Chart Example 5th House

6th House

Signifies: Effort & Struggle

This is a DIFFICULT placement for most planets. The 6th House is the house of over-work and under-appreciation, a place of self-less service. It is a difficult placement for most planets because it is where obstacles occur, such as enemies, competition, arguments, ill-health, etc. Mars and Saturn are the House Significators because they have the harshest nature of all the planets, which can assist in over coming obstacles and defeating enemies. Venus is weakened here because the nice, pleasant, diplomatic, pleasure-seeking qualities of Venus do not vibe with the difficult, problem oriented nature of the 6th House. Venus in this position indicates relationship problems as a major theme.

House Significator

Directional Strength

Weakened Position

♂ Mars


♀ Venus

♄ Saturn

Wheel Chart - Whole Sign Houses

Astrology Wheel Chart 6th Whole Sign House

Vedic Chart - North Indian Style

Vedic Astrology Chart Example 6th House

7th House

Signifies: Partners & Relationships

This is a STRONG placement for most planets. The 7th House is an angular house opposite the 1st House, most commonly signifying relationships, but it also represents general partnerships, as well as interacting with other people and coming before the public. Venus and Jupiter are the House Significators for the 7th House because Venus is the planet of relationships and Jupiter is the planet of marriage, both of which are strong 7th House significations. Saturn has directional strength here because Saturn is comfortable with self-sacrifice, and making sacrifices is often an important component to a harmonious partnership. Mars is weakened here because it can create anger in relationships. Mercury is weakened here because it can create immaturity in relationships.

House Significator

Directional Strength

Weakened Position

♀ Venus

♄ Saturn

♂ Mars

♃ Jupiter

☊ Rāhu (North Node)

☿ Mercury

Wheel Chart - Whole Sign Houses

Astrology Wheel Chart 7th Whole Sign House

Vedic Chart - North Indian Style

Vedic Astrology Chart Example 7th House

8th House

Signifies: Vulnerability & Transformation

This is a DIFFICULT placement for most planets. The 8th House is the house of inner transformation, where things are often broken or destroyed in order for subconscious change to occur. Saturn is the House Significator for the 8th House because a strong Saturn is able to consistently push forward despite fear and difficulty. The Moon is weakened here because the sensitivity of the Moon does not match the fear, insecurity, and vulnerability of the 8th House. The Moon in this placement can create a situation of depression and mental/emotional pain. Mercury does okay in this position because curious nature of Mercury enjoys the deep research and deep introspection aspect of the 8th House.

House Significator

Directional Strength

Weakened Position

♄ Saturn


☽ Moon

Wheel Chart - Whole Sign Houses

Astrology Wheel Chart 8th Whole Sign House

Vedic Chart - North Indian Style

Vedic Astrology Chart Example 8th House

9th House

Signifies: Wisdom & Grace

This is a BLESSED placement for most planets. The 9th House is all about higher teachings, higher wisdom, and greater purpose, it is a place of grace and fortune. Jupiter is the House Significator because Jupiter is the wise teacher whose wisdom is ever expanding, and the 9th House is the house of higher education and philosophy. Similar to the 5th House, this is a fortunate and uplifting position for all of the planets as it allows the highest quality of their significations to manifest. The exception is Rāhu, who is weakened here because the 9th House can often be about spirituality and faith in a higher power, and Rāhu tends to reject anything that can be considered religious dogma.

House Significator

Directional Strength

Weakened Position

♃ Jupiter


☊ Rāhu (North Node)

Wheel Chart - Whole Sign Houses

Astrology Wheel Chart 9th Whole Sign House

Vedic Chart - North Indian Style

Vedic Astrology Chart Example 9th House

10th House

Signifies: Work & Duty

This is a STRONG placement for most planets. The 10th House is an angular house in the sky directly above. It is the house of duty and pressure, often associated with career, as it is the work you do in the world. The Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, and Mercury are all House Significators for the 10th House. Each of them embodies an aspect of what the 10th House represents. The Sun is authority and power. Jupiter is wisdom and expansion. Saturn is hard work and dedication. Mercury is business and transaction. The Sun has directional strength here because directly overhead, at the top of the sky, is where the Sun can most easily be seen, casting its rays, being the sole authority, outshining all other influences. Mars has directional strength here as well because the raw strength of Mars is able to be highly productive in the realm of work and duty. No planets are weakened by being in this position.

House Significator

Directional Strength

Weakened Position

☉ Sun

☉ Sun


♃ Jupiter

♂ Mars

♄ Saturn

☿ Mercury

Wheel Chart - Whole Sign Houses

Astrology Wheel Chart 10th Whole Sign House

Vedic Chart - North Indian Style

Vedic Astrology Chart Example 10th House

11th House

Signifies: Personal Fame & Greater Ambitions

This is a DECENT placement for most planets. The 11th House is house of higher ambitions for greater gains and personal impact in the world. Beyond the work and duty of the 10th House this is a placement associated with such things as entrepreneurship or serving the greater community. All planets tend to do pretty well here, but more effort is required to reap the fruits of success in this placement, compared to the 9th House for instance, where fortune and grace prevail. Jupiter is the House Significator for the 11th House because its expansive, harmonious nature helps guide and grow the highest potentials of the 11th House. No planets are weakened in this position.

House Significator

Directional Strength

Weakened Position

♃ Jupiter



Wheel Chart - Whole Sign Houses

Astrology Wheel Chart 11th Whole Sign House

Vedic Chart - North Indian Style

Vedic Astrology Chart Example 11th House

12th House

Signifies: Surrender & Loss

This is a DIFFICULT placement for most planets. The 12th House is where things come to an end, where all the activity and accumulation of the houses before it are surrendered. It is a place of solitude and confinement. This is a difficult placement for all of the planets because it is hard for them to manifest anything here, things tend to dissipate in this position. Saturn is the House Significator for the 12th House because Saturn is okay being alone with minimal comforts. The Sun is weakened here because it is outward and authoritative, and thrives when it is at peak self expression. The 12th House is hidden and insecure, creating a situation where lack of confidence occurs for the Sun here.

House Significator

Directional Strength

Weakened Position

♄ Saturn


☉ Sun

Wheel Chart - Whole Sign Houses

Astrology Wheel Chart 12th Whole Sign House

Vedic Chart - North Indian Style

Vedic Astrology Chart Example 12th House

Astrology House Meanings Summary

Knowing the twelve different astrology house meanings is an important component to knowing the twelve areas of life that the planets can manifest their energy through, whether it be in the analysis of the natal chart or relocation chart, the houses play a critical role in the overall interpretation.

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