Geographic Astrology: Your Compass to the World

Have you ever wondered why the different places you've lived or travelled have given you such a wide range of life situations and experiences?

For instance, how you could be popular and outgoing in once place, yet have trouble making friends in another. Or easily able to find career success in one city, yet trouble finding a job in another. Or why you might feel adventurous in one location, but don't want to leave the house in another. The list goes on, but you get the idea.

Many times the answers can be seen in your locational astrology map. Here is a birds eye view of what this map looks like, showing how the major planetary influences can shift so drastically from one location to another.

Astrocartography Locational Astrology Map Lines Example

A locational astrology map is simply a visual representation of all the planetary alignments and influences in your birth chart that come together to manifest in certain ways depending on where they were positioned in the sky in relation to the time and place your were born. Every person's astrology map is different because it is a unique reflection of their individual birth chart.

Here is the birth chart that was used to cast the lines on the example map above. How these planetary positions, as seen in your natal chart, come together to create the lines on your map will be explained more deeply throughout this site.

Astrology Birth Chart Example

All the situations and experiences you could potentially experience in any given location, whether they be fun, exciting, boring, dangerous, pleasant, fortunate, depressing, etc. can often be seen by the planetary influences in your geographic astrology.

By moving away from difficult planetary influences and moving toward more beneficial influences you can effectively change the quality of your life relative to the types of experiences you will have.

But What Do All These Astrology Map Lines Mean?

As you can see there are many astrology map lines to consider when determining the potential planetary influences for any given location. Our goal is to make sense of all these planetary combinations by understanding which planets are forming which lines and why. From there we can determine how these alignments are manifesting and where.

Each planet has its own set of unique energetic signatures, and the way they come together will determine how these energies are manifested in your life. I use 14 planetary bodies when assessing a locational astrology map, and I feel that these give a well rounded view for any location. These planets are:

Luminaries (Two):

  • ☉ Sun & ☽ Moon

Visible Planets (Five):

  • ☿ Mercury, ♀ Venus, ♂ Mars, ♃ Jupiter, & ♄ Saturn

Outer Planets (Three):

  • ♅ Uranus, ♆ Neptune, & ♇ Pluto

Shadow Planets (Two):

  • ☊ North Node (Rāhu) & ☋ South Node (Ketu)

Asteroids (Two):

  • ⚷ Chiron & ⚳ Ceres

Of these 14 planetary bodies, there are three types of lines that can form. Here is a quick rundown of the three different types of lines we would typically see on an astrology map:

Planetary Angle Lines (Vertical Lines)

These lines illustrate when certain planets are exactly on one of the four angles of the chart. For instance, a planet with an "A" means that is where that planet is exactly on the Ascendant (compared to that particular location on the map), which is where the planet is rising over the Eastern horizon.

Similarly, "D" is where a planet is on the Descendant, the Western horizon. "M" is where a planet is overhead in the Midheaven. And "I" is where a planet is opposite the earth in the Imum Coeli. These are strong placements for any planet, so they are highlighted by these lines, but how they manifest is determined by which planet it is, which side of the line you are on, and how well it is placed in your natal chart, which we will go into more detail throughout this site.

Astrology Map Planetary Angle Line Example

Paran Latitudinal Lines (Horizontal Lines) 

Parans are the horizontal lines that all run parallel to one another. They are formed when two planets are at angles at the same moment and place anywhere around the world at the moment you were born. When this happens they form a band of energy that spans the entire globe at that exact latitude. The type of energy that they produce are as if the two planets came together to combine their natural significations.

Astrology Map Parans and Planetary Crossing Lines Example

Local Space Lines

These are the lines that arch out from the place you were born. In this example the lines are arching out from Las Vegas, NV and span across the country and around the globe from there. These are lines that represent the direction of the planets from where they were in the sky at the moment of birth relative to the place you were born. By following these lines you are essentially following the direction of the planet from its point in the sky. When you follow these planetary lines you are strengthening that planet's output, so the results can be seen by how well that planet is placed in your birth chart.

Astrology Map Lines Example - Local Space Lines

Deciding Where to Live Based on Your Astrology Map

There is practically an endless combination of possibilities on how certain planetary energies come together to produce the various results in your life, and in various combinations. Our job is to distill out some of the most prominent and impactful combinations so that you can decide which combinations to enhance, or which combinations to avoid.

I go more in depth in this topic here, astrology map where to live, by breaking down a few key areas of life that one might want to focus on when deciding where to move.

But to begin to understand how the influences on the map work, here are some examples of various planetary combinations and the types of experiences they might bring:

Sun Local Space Line

Astrology Planet Symbol Sun

Depending on how it's placed in your natal chart, following your Sun Local Space Line will make you feel more popular and confident. You will be liked and well respected. You will be more outward and outgoing and probably have more things to do. If you are in a management position, for instance, this would be a beneficial line to follow.

Moon Local Space Line

Astrology Planet Symbol Moon

On the other hand, if you follow your Moon Local Space Line you will be more inward and emotional. You might spend more time contemplating what to do than taking initiative and taking action. You may also have more stories revolving around mother here.

Jupiter-Uranus Paran

Astrology Planet Symbol Jupiter
Astrology Planet Symbol Uranus

Living near a Jupiter-Uranus Paran is great for social matters, you could be working with or interacting with interesting or renown people. You will be more creative here, like tapping into a higher intelligence, which is great for inventing and discovering. Overall, a good place for career.

Saturn-Pluto Paran

Astrology Planet Symbol Saturn
Astrology Planet Symbol Pluto

On the opposite end of the spectrum, moving to a Saturn-Pluto Paran would not be very good financially. Here progress moves slow and situations often pop up where extra costs are incurred. Generally, things seem to be harder and slower here. A lot of heavy, extra work is involved.

This is just a small sample. There are many more combinations that can be felt in any given location. When we piece together the entire picture of all the seen influences for any location we can determine the overall quality of how that place will be for you. 

Diving Deeper With Your Astrology Relocation Chart

Once you've found some positive Astrocartography lines in locations you might find interesting, the next step is to drill down even further by casting a relocation chart to see which other planets are being activated for those specific towns and cities.

This can be seen by looking at the house activations for that location, based on how close the planets are to the different House Cusps. As you navigate the globe from where you were born, the planets were in different parts of the sky relative to the Earth at the moment of your birth. Your birth chart is like a snapshot of the sky when you were born, and moving locations is like rotating those placements, in tandem, to different parts of the sky. Depending on which houses the planets rotates to, and how tight their orbs are to the cusps, will determine the additional planetary energies each location has in store. So using this concept, you can either rotate planets to harmonious positions, like the 5th and 9th House, or difficult positions, like the 6th, 8th, or 12th House. And by doing so we can go much more in depth into the quality and flavor of experiences you would expect to have in any particular location.

Knowing the meanings of the twelve houses in astrology is a very important component of understanding how the planets will manifest their energies in locational astrology.

Astrology Wheel Chart House Example

This website is intended to give you an in depth look at what locational astrology is, including your astrology map, so that you can begin to understand how your inherent astrological makeup is influencing your life, with an emphasis on where you want to live, work, or travel.

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